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in English by (15.3k points)
One of the unfortunate features of the human condition is that the natural exploratory behaviour of human infants has to be curtailed, especially in conditions of civilization, where the hazards of traffic, electricity, gas, stairs and many other complex dangers have been added to those which are found in primitive, rural circumstances. We are forced to overprotect our children psychologically, because we live in an artificial environment; and because small children are ill-equipped to look after themselves when surrounded by the dangerous trappings of civilization, we tend to guard them too carefully in situations where this is not necessary.

1. According to the author, the natural exploratory behaviour of infants is

(A) restricted in every society

(B) an unfortunate condition

(C) a dangerous choice

(D) More than one of the above

(E) None of the above

2. There are fewer and less complex dangers for infants

(A) in our present-day society

(B) in primitive rural cultures

(C) in artificial environment

(D) More than one of the above

(E) None of the above

3. Parents are extra careful in protecting their small children because

(A) they cannot fend for themselves

(B) they need psychological guidance

(C) the environment is not natural

(D) More than one of the above

(E) None of the above

4. The natural exploratory urge of small children is essentially to

(A) grasp and master the environment

(B) counter the trappings of civilization

(C) reduce the dangers of traffic, electricity, gas, etc.

(D) More than one of the above

(E) None of the above

5. The author sounds

(A) supportive of parents who overprotect their children

(B) critical of parents who overprotect their children

(C) non-committal about parents who overprotect their children

(D) More than one of the above

(E) None of the above

1 Answer

0 votes
by (137k points)
Best answer

1. (A) restricted in every society

2. (B) in primitive rural cultures

3. (C) the environment is not natural

4. (A) grasp and master the environment

5. (E) None of the above
